Tai Chi Qigong Classes Melbourne – Helping People to Heal Themselves
Meditation in Motion
Private or Group Instruction Tai Chi Qigong Sessions using Zoom are available. Email (marketmyservice@gmail.com), SMS or call Michael for more information: 0407 096 191 or +61 0407096191
What is Qigong (Chi Kung) ?
‘Qi’ or ‘Chi’ means energy, in Yoga it is called ‘Prana’ and in the West it's called Bioelectricity. ‘Gong’ or ‘Kung’ means work or cultivate.
Therefore, the word Qigong (often spelt Chi Kung or Qi gong) means the cultivation of your internal energy. Qigong is pronounced Chi Kung. All ages and beginners are welcome. For Tai Chi Qigong Classes Melbourne no special clothing or equipment is needed, just comfortable clothes. As long as you have enough room to swing your arms then that is enough room to practise Qigong. Qigong is usually done standing but can be done sitting or even lying in a bed. Qigong consist of slow gentle movements combined with the breath to bring the mind and body out of the stress mode and into a relaxed or parasympathetic state. This where the body's natural healing mechanisms can take effect.
Qigong goes back around 2,500 years, but Chinese archaeologists and historians have found evidence to Qigong-like movements from at least 5,000 years ago. There a many different forms and styles of Qigong and Michael specialises in the popular Tai Chi Qigong or Shibashi Set 1 & 2, Ba Duan Jin (8 Treasures) and Qigong Spirit forms. Tai Chi is a part of Qigong and Qigong is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM.
What is the difference between Tai Chi and Qigong?
Tai Chi is rooted in martial arts and also has health and healing qualities but Medical Qigong is specifically targeted towards healing. Qigong is usually much easier to learn and perform than Tai Chi.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese healing art that supercharges the natural healing properties of the human body. The main systems of Qigong are medical, spiritual and martial. Qigong is typically performed with slow gentle movements combined with the breath and mindfulness.
How does Qigong Work?
The slow gentle physical movements of Qigong combined with the breath and mindfulness can bring the practioner out of overactive thinking and bring the body into the parasympathetic(relaxed) state where the body's natural healing mechanism can do its work.
The movements have been developed over 1000's of years to automatically activate the energy meridians in the body just as acupuncture does.
Qigong is also known as a moving meditation. Tai Chi Qigong Classes Melbourne with Instructor Michael using Zoom.
Some of the businesses and organisations that have had Tai Chi Qigong Sessions with Michael: Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities Inc. (ADEC), City of Boroondara, Casey Council (Bunjil Place), BMW Head Office Mulgrave, Estia Health, ATO Australian Tax Office, Dr Zenaidy Castro, YMCA Dandenong Oasis, Australian Croatian Community Services, Springvale Neighbourhood House, Mind Australia, Armenian Social Support Group, Balla Balla Community Center, Lexington Gardens Retirement Village, Springers Leisure Center, AMES Australia & New Zealand, Chisholm Institute and Element Health Club.